La única cosa más abrumadora que el número de muertos en la jihad global es la negación - apatía - apologética de Occidente. Y hay algo más atroz que la conquista y masacre arraigada en la doctrina jihadista , y que es el silencio y la sanción de la banalidad del mal West.The ..... " Terrorismo : Más de 2.596 nigerianos muertos en tres meses, " Por medio de Ponche Creeping ShariaWith más de 2.596 muertes en los tres primeros meses del año , los expertos en seguridad y una sección transversal de los nigerianos que habló con nuestro corresponsal llamó al gobierno a poner más esfuerzos para poner fin a la insurgencia en la parte nororiental de la country.When la embestida por Boko Haram comenzó en algún momento en 2009, no muchos habían pensado que los ataques se asumen una dimensión tan asesina como es today.Of todos los ataques perpetrados por presuntos miembros de la secta islámica temida , Boko Haram, en el parte noreste del país, que ha permanecido en la mente de las personas es el 25 de febrero 2014 ataque a los alumnos del Colegio Gobierno Federal , Buni Yadi en Yobe State.In el ataque que duró varias horas , no menos de 59 alumnos fueron masacrados por los miembros de la secta , mientras que algunas de las víctimas fueron quemadas a ashes.In lo que parecía que la altura de la crueldad, los miembros de la secta islámica llegaron al Colegio a eso de las 2 y establecen los albergues cerrados, donde los estudiantes dormían , en el fuego , antes de disparar y rajar las gargantas de aquellos que trataron de salir de la maestra windows.A en la escuela se informó que dijo que los miembros de la secta lanzaron explosivos y dispararon armas de fuego en uno de los albergues. Cuando los alumnos estaban tratando de salir de las ventanas , que estaban atrapados y sacrificados como corderos por los terroristas , mientras que algunos tenían degollados . Aquellos que intentaron huir fueron muertos a tiros down.The insurgentes quemaron todos los 24 edificios y viviendas para el personal de la escuela antes de atacar a los estudiantes. Los informes decían que se trataba del ataque duró varios estudiantes hours.â escuela secundaria menor 3 , Aliyu Ayuba , que huyó de la escena con una bala en la espalda , dijo que los asaltantes que eran hombres jóvenes y niños en uniformes militares y vestidos de civil , ordenó a los estudiantes para reunir en una habitación y comenzaron a disparar de forma esporádica . Aliyu agregó que sus compañeros fueron asesinados y algunos quemados en el interior de la matanza continua hostel.The de los residentes en la parte noreste del país por miembros de Boko Haram ha dejado no menos de 1.614 personas muertas en serie de ataques por parte del grupo islámico durante la primera cuarta parte de la serie de ataques por año.El la secta han dejado muchos muertos , vidas destrozadas, casas quemadas y muchos quedaron sin hogar , muchos aún están desaparecidos y muchas personas están viviendo con un grado variable de lesiones. Cabe destacar que muchos nigerianos , incluidos los de otras partes del país, viven ahora con las víctimas memory.The desagradables de los ataques no son de determinado grupo de edad , como niños , adolescentes , jóvenes y adultos , han sido masacrados, junto al aged.While el ataque duró , no hubo intervención de las fuerzas de seguridad que se implementan en el estado de emergencia declarado en los tres estados más afectados ; Hace Borno, Yobe y Adamawa states.A pocos días , los pasajeros que esperaban abordar los autobuses que van al centro de la ciudad en el popular parque Nyanya , la comunidad fronteriza entre Abuja y Nassarawa Estado , fueron alcanzados por la explosión de una bomba detonada por el presunto islámica sect.No menos de 89 personas perdieron la vida en el ataque , con más de 200 gravemente injured.Boko Haram , que significa " No a la educación occidental, ' ha rechazado varios movimientos por parte del gobierno para negociar la paz con él. El grupo había pedido , entre otras cosas , la aplicación de la sharia en el norte del país y de la islamización del norte de Nigeria.
Bombas en las iglesias, secuestros,violaciones, asesinatos...propongo una cadena de oración por nuestros hermanos asesinados por su amor a Cristo: os ruego una oración por ellos a lo largo del día...compartamos su dolor y sufrimiento en la distancia, por medio de la oración...
viernes, mayo 02, 2014
Devout Muslim group slaughters over 2,596 Nigerians in three months
The only thing more overwhelming than the body count in the global jihad is the denial-apathy-apologetics of the West. And there is something more heinous than the conquest and slaughter rooted in jihadic doctrine, and that is the silence and the sanction of the West.
The banality of evil …..
With over 2,596 deaths in the first three months of the year, security experts and a cross section of Nigerians who spoke to our correspondent called on the government to put in more efforts to bring an end to the insurgency in the North Eastern part of the country.When the onslaught by Boko Haram began sometime in 2009, not many had thought that the attacks would assume such a murderous dimension as it is today.Of all the attacks perpetrated by suspected members of the dreaded Islamic sect, Boko Haram, in the North Eastern part of the country, one that has remained in the minds of people is the February 25, 2014 attack on the pupils of Federal Government College, Buni Yadi in Yobe State.In the attack that lasted several hours, no fewer than 59 students were slaughtered by the sect members while some of the victims were burnt to ashes.In what appeared as the height of cruelty, the Islamic sect members arrived the College at about 2am and set the locked hostels, where the students slept, on fire, before shooting and slitting the throats of those who tried to climb out of the windows.A teacher in the school was reported to have said that the sect members hurled explosives and fired guns into one of the hostels. When the pupils were trying to climb out of the windows, they were caught and slaughtered like sheep by the terrorists while some had their throats slit. Those who attempted to run away were gunned down.The insurgents burnt down all the 24 buildings and staff quarters in the school before attacking the students. Reports had it that the onslaught lasted several hours.A Junior Secondary School 3 student, Aliyu Ayuba, who fled the scene with a bullet in his back, said the assailants who were young men and boys in military uniforms and plain clothes, ordered the students to gather in one room and started shooting sporadically. Aliyu added that his roommates were killed and some burnt inside the hostel.The continuous killing of residents in the North Eastern part of the country by Boko Haram members has left no fewer than 1,614 persons dead in series of attacks by the Islamic group during the first quarter of the year.The series of attacks by the sect have left many people dead, lives shattered, houses burnt with many rendered homeless, many are still missing and many people are living with varying degree of injuries. Notably, many Nigerians, including those in other parts of the country now live with the unpleasant memory.The victims of the attacks are of no particular age group, as infants, adolescents, teenagers and adults have all been massacred, alongside the aged.While the onslaught lasted, there was no intervention by security forces that were deployed on emergency rule declared in the three most affected states; Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states.A few days ago, commuters who were waiting to board buses going to the city centre at the popular Nyanya park, the border community between Abuja and Nassarawa State, were hit by a bomb blast detonated by the suspected Islamic sect.No fewer than 89 lives were lost in the attack with over 200 severely injured.Boko Haram, which means ‘No to western education,’ has shunned several moves by the government to broker peace with it. The group had demanded for, among other things, the enforcement of Sharia law in the Northern part of the country and the Islamisation of Northern Nigeria. Fuente:
Cientos de niñas secuestradas por grupo musulmán vendidas para esclavitud sexual
Pamela Geller, Breitbart : Cientos de escolares secuestrados por grupo musulmán vendió en esclavitud sexual
"Cientos de escolares secuestrados por grupo musulmán Vendido como esclavitud sexual ", Pamela Geller, Breitbart , 1 de mayo , de 2014Nigeria Daily Trust informó el lunes que "la mayoría de las 234 alumnas de Borno en Boko Haram cautiverio han sido transportados al extranjero para Chad y Camerún después de que fueran casada con miembros de las sectas en N2, 000 precio de la novia cada " . Dos mil naira Nigeria asciende a $ 12,45 por cada girl.Even ya que esto aumenta el salvajismo , sin embargo , nadie está discutiendo la ideología que impulsa esta guerra contra inocentes. Estas niñas son considerados botín de guerra bajo el Islam . Esto es consistente con las enseñanzas islámicas y con qué Muhammad , "el modelo perfecto", no con el botín de war.Imagine yihadista , por el momento, el horror , el terror que de que estas jóvenes se enfrentan ahora , y probablemente se enfrentará a el resto de sus vidas. Inimaginable . Pero supremacistas islámicos y apologistas islámicos están trabajando furiosamente para asegurarse de que nadie habla de it.Boko Haram es el mismo grupo islamista que ha matado más de 2.596 nigerianos en los tres primeros meses de 2014 , todo por la causa del establecimiento de un estado islámico en Nigeria. Los jihadistas islámicos están actuando con impunidad. Ellos saben que el gobierno no puede hacer nada para detenerlos.Recientemente, estos yihadistas dejaron 71 muertos en un atentado con bomba en una estación de autobuses en hora punta. Y el día antes de que , este mismo grupo musulmán mató a 68 personas en un ataque a su aldea. Los aterrorizados aldeanos fueron asesinados a tiros mientras fled.This es genocidio. Se trata de la limpieza étnica. Esta es la yihad. Pero hay algo más atroz que la conquista y masacre arraigada en la doctrina de la yihad : el silencio y la sanción de Occidente. El mundo no dice nada. La única cosa más abrumadora que el número de muertos en la jihad global es la negación , la apatía , y un sinfín de excusas por el Islam que escuchamos de los principales medios de comunicación y los gobiernos de Occidente. CNN dice que el secuestro de cientos de escolares por los yihadistas " no es sorprendente . " Mis compañeros de los seres humanos, es impactante y salvaje. Nos estamos descendiendo a un mundo de barbarie sancionado por el " civilizado. " La era moderna del salvaje está sobre nosotros. Por razones que sólo Barack Obama puede contestar , el Departamento de Estado tomó demasiado tiempo para designar a este grupo islamista salvaje , Boko Haram, una organización terrorista. Cuando los funcionarios del Departamento de Estado se hicieron designarlo como una organización terrorista extranjera , lo hicieron sin nunca mencionar que las personas que están siendo aterrorizados cristianos que están en la mira por sus creencias. De hecho, implicaba que el grupo tenía otras motivaciones e incluso que tenía "preocupaciones legítimas ". " Estas designaciones son un paso importante y adecuada , pero sólo una herramienta en lo que debe ser un enfoque integral por el gobierno nigeriano para hacer frente a estos grupos a través de una combinación de la aplicación de ley , políticas y actividades de desarrollo, así como la participación militar, para ayudar a erradicar el extremismo violento y al mismo tiempo hacer frente a las preocupaciones legítimas de los pueblos del norte de Nigeria, "la idea del Departamento de Estado said.The que un grupo yihadista que las matanzas en la causa del Islam prácticamente todos los días y cuyo nombre significa " la educación occidental es pecado " tiene "preocupaciones legítimas ", o de que sus partidarios hacen, expone los motivos peligrosos de la pro - jihadista Obama administration.Boko Haram esclaviza colegialas . En él se establecen escuelas en llamas y le corta el cuello a los que tratan de escapar por las ventanas. Boko Haram se dirige a maestros y médicos , pero sobre todo, los cristianos. ¿Qué posibles preocupaciones legítimas podrían tener estos salvajes ? Imponer el Islam no es una concern.This legítimo es el mundo Barack Obama ha hecho . El policía del mundo ya no está en el ritmo, y los salvajes saben.
Hundreds of Schoolgirls Kidnapped by Muslim Group Sold into Sex Slavery
Pamela Geller, Breitbart: Hundreds of Schoolgirls Kidnapped by Muslim Group Sold into Sex Slavery
“Hundreds of Schoolgirls Kidnapped by Muslim Group Sold into Sex Slavery,” Pamela Geller, Breitbart, May 1, 2014Nigeria’s Daily Trust reported Monday that “most of the 234 Borno schoolgirls in Boko Haram captivity have been ferried abroad to Chad and Cameroon after they were married off to sect members on N2,000 bride price each.”Two thousand Nigeria naira amounts to $12.45 for each girl.Even as this savagery escalates, however, no one is discussing the ideology that compels this war on innocents. These young girls are considered war booty under Islam. This is consistent with Islamic teaching and with what Muhammad, “the perfect model,” did with the spoils of jihadi war.Imagine, for the moment, the horror, the terror that that these young girls are facing now, and probably will face for the rest of their lives. Unimaginable. But Islamic supremacists and Islamic apologists are working furiously to make sure that no one talks about it.Boko Haram is the same Islamist group that has slaughtered over 2,596 Nigerians in the first three months of 2014–all for the cause of establishing an Islamic state in Nigeria. The Islamic jihadists are acting with impunity. They know that the government can do nothing to stop them. Just recently, these jihadists left 71 dead in a bombing at a bus station at rush hour. And the day before that, this same Muslim group killed 68 people in an attack on their village. Terrified villagers were shot to death as they fled.This is genocide. This is ethnic cleansing. This is jihad. But there is something more heinous than the conquest and slaughter rooted in jihad doctrine: the silence and the sanction of the West. The world says nothing. The only thing more overwhelming than the body count in the global jihad is the denial, apathy, and endless apologies for Islam that we hear from the mainstream media and the governments of the West. CNN says that the kidnapping of hundreds of schoolgirls by jihadists “isn’t shocking.”My fellow human beings, it is shocking and savage. We are descending into a world of savagery sanctioned by the “civilized.” The modern age of the savage is upon us. For reasons that only Barack Obama can answer, the State Department took far too long to designate this savage Islamist group, Boko Haram, a terrorist organization. When State Department officials finally did designate it a foreign terrorist organization, they did so while never mentioning that the people being terrorized are Christians who are being targeted for their beliefs. In fact, they implied that the group had other motivations and even that it had “legitimate concerns.”“These designations are an important and appropriate step, but only one tool in what must be a comprehensive approach by the Nigerian government to counter these groups through a combination of law enforcement, political, and development efforts, as well as military engagement, to help root out violent extremism while also addressing the legitimate concerns of the people of northern Nigeria,” the State Department said.The idea that a jihadist group that slaughters in the cause of Islam practically every day and whose very name means “Western education is sinful” has “legitimate concerns,” or that its supporters do, exposes the dangerous motives of the pro-jihadist Obama administration.Boko Haram enslaves schoolgirls. It sets schools ablaze and slits the throats of those trying to escape out the windows. Boko Haram targets teachers and doctors, but above all, Christians. What possible legitimate concerns could these savages have? Imposing Islam is not a legitimate concern.This is the world Barack Obama has made. The world’s policeman is no longer on the beat, and the savages know it.
“Hundreds of Schoolgirls Kidnapped by Muslim Group Sold into Sex Slavery,” Pamela Geller, Breitbart, May 1, 2014Nigeria’s Daily Trust reported Monday that “most of the 234 Borno schoolgirls in Boko Haram captivity have been ferried abroad to Chad and Cameroon after they were married off to sect members on N2,000 bride price each.”Two thousand Nigeria naira amounts to $12.45 for each girl.Even as this savagery escalates, however, no one is discussing the ideology that compels this war on innocents. These young girls are considered war booty under Islam. This is consistent with Islamic teaching and with what Muhammad, “the perfect model,” did with the spoils of jihadi war.Imagine, for the moment, the horror, the terror that that these young girls are facing now, and probably will face for the rest of their lives. Unimaginable. But Islamic supremacists and Islamic apologists are working furiously to make sure that no one talks about it.Boko Haram is the same Islamist group that has slaughtered over 2,596 Nigerians in the first three months of 2014–all for the cause of establishing an Islamic state in Nigeria. The Islamic jihadists are acting with impunity. They know that the government can do nothing to stop them. Just recently, these jihadists left 71 dead in a bombing at a bus station at rush hour. And the day before that, this same Muslim group killed 68 people in an attack on their village. Terrified villagers were shot to death as they fled.This is genocide. This is ethnic cleansing. This is jihad. But there is something more heinous than the conquest and slaughter rooted in jihad doctrine: the silence and the sanction of the West. The world says nothing. The only thing more overwhelming than the body count in the global jihad is the denial, apathy, and endless apologies for Islam that we hear from the mainstream media and the governments of the West. CNN says that the kidnapping of hundreds of schoolgirls by jihadists “isn’t shocking.”My fellow human beings, it is shocking and savage. We are descending into a world of savagery sanctioned by the “civilized.” The modern age of the savage is upon us. For reasons that only Barack Obama can answer, the State Department took far too long to designate this savage Islamist group, Boko Haram, a terrorist organization. When State Department officials finally did designate it a foreign terrorist organization, they did so while never mentioning that the people being terrorized are Christians who are being targeted for their beliefs. In fact, they implied that the group had other motivations and even that it had “legitimate concerns.”“These designations are an important and appropriate step, but only one tool in what must be a comprehensive approach by the Nigerian government to counter these groups through a combination of law enforcement, political, and development efforts, as well as military engagement, to help root out violent extremism while also addressing the legitimate concerns of the people of northern Nigeria,” the State Department said.The idea that a jihadist group that slaughters in the cause of Islam practically every day and whose very name means “Western education is sinful” has “legitimate concerns,” or that its supporters do, exposes the dangerous motives of the pro-jihadist Obama administration.Boko Haram enslaves schoolgirls. It sets schools ablaze and slits the throats of those trying to escape out the windows. Boko Haram targets teachers and doctors, but above all, Christians. What possible legitimate concerns could these savages have? Imposing Islam is not a legitimate concern.This is the world Barack Obama has made. The world’s policeman is no longer on the beat, and the savages know it.
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